Tuesday, April 15, 2008

How should we respond to gender issues?

In chapter 4 Houston states “The question is rather what is the best way to achieve this freedom form gender bias. Should we undertake to ignore gender or to obligate gender differentiations, or should we in some way pay deliberate attention to gender?” I know many people say that gender is something that needs to be invisible, but honestly especially in late elementary and middle school girls are so much more prone to emotional issues. Although boys go through different changes and they can be embarrassed as well. In my past experiences if a girl raises her hand and the teacher tells her that her answer is not right she gets embarrassed and generally will not raise her hand again. Were as a guy I have noticed might get embarrassed but will bounce back much faster. So although gender does not need to be present in grading and things of this nature I think it needs to be looked at when responding and wording used to students.

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